Unique Industrial Challenges
Warehouse operators face some unique challenges with regards to cost savings and performance optimization. How effectively is your workers’ time being managed? Is your inventory being tracked accurately and in an efficient manner? Are there redundant processes that are driving up labor costs? How are orders picked and fulfilled, can that process be optimized?
These are just a few of the challenges facing managers in the industrial manufacturing and warehousing industry. Automation of processes can help but come with a large investment of capital.
- Demand for warehouse workers is expected to grow by over 20% by 2026
- Hourly cost for labor is increasing at nearly 7% per year
- 55% of warehouse operators ranked attracting labor the #1 issue facing Supply Chains
- 38% of distribution centers are not using any form of productivity tracking
Macondo Vision extends human potential in an increasingly automated world
Macondo Vision’s Industrial platform is designed for warehouse operators suffering from today’s constricted quality labor market who want to increase productivity without added engineering capacity. Our proprietary camera-based activity tracking tool and single global data source enables productivity improvements of >15%. Unlike other technologies which require engineering talent and are limited by aggregation of data across long periods of time, or leave out critical performance information, Macondo Vision passively tracks associates and provides granular data visibility and reporting along with anonymized data benchmarks to similar operations.